Serrat, Alba

Serrat, Alba

Technician (IEO-CSIC)

I hold a degree in Biology at the University of Barcelona (2011) and a Master in Environmental Change: Analysis and Management at the University of Girona (2014). In April 2019, I completed my PhD at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology (University of Girona) on the reproductive and condition status of cold-water marine fish in a context of climate change, thanks to a BR-UdG scholarship. Currently, I am working on research promotion and knowledge transfer for the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Girona.

My research interests revolve on the impacts of anthropogenic and environmental pressures on marine ecosystems and the links between habitat quality and the sustainability of marine communities. During my PhD I worked on the assessment of the status and plasticity of life history traits in pelagic fish communities, with emphasis on fish reproduction and condition. Part of my PhD was conducted in the Marine Research Institute (Reykjavik, Iceland), the Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, Norway) and the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas IIM-CSIC (Vigo, Spain). As a PhD student I took part of 4 oceanographic vessel surveys led by different institutions (IFREMER in France, MRI in Iceland and IEO in Balearic Islands-Spain).

The results of my research are published in 5 papers in SCI journals. I have attended 8 conferences (5 international), with 9 oral presentations and 3 posters in total. I have given 10 lectures at the University of Girona and participated as instructor at one international workshops at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and one national workshop at the IIM-CSIC. I co-supervised one master thesis and 5 graduate final projects, and attended 5 international and 3 national conferences. I have led projects of cooperation for sustainable development in Africa and South America which have been financed by the University of Girona, the Diputació de Girona and crowdfunding. I am passionate about science communication and I love to share my research with school children and general audience through conferences and illustrations.

Selected articles:

  • Lloret J, Serrat A, Þórðarson G, Helle K, Jadaud A, Bruno I, Ordines F, Sartor P, Carbonara P, Rätz HJ (2020) The poor health of deep water species in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate: will populations of Molva species rebuild or collapse? Journal of Fish Biology. In press.
  • Serrat A; Saborido-Rey F; García-Fernández C; Muñoz M; Lloret J; Thorsen S; Kjesbu OS (2019) New insights in oocyte dynamics shed light on the complexities associated with fish reproductive strategies. Scientific Reports. 9, 18411.
  • Serrat A; Lloret J; Frigola-Tepe X; Muñoz M (2019) Trade-offs between life-history traits in a coldwater fish in the Mediterranean Sea: the case of blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou. Journal of Fish Biology. 95-2, pp.428-443.
  • Serrat A; Muñoz M; Lloret J (2018) Condition and reproductive strategy of the Argentina sphyraena, a cold-water species in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 101-6, pp.1083-1096.
  • Serrat A; Pons P; Puig-Gironès R; Stefanescu C (2015) Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 38-2, pp.207-220.
  • David Gonzàlez-C, J; Acero-P, A; Serrat Llinàs, A; Betancur-R, R (2011) Caracterización taxonómica de la población del pez león Pterois volitans (Linnaeus 1758) (Scorpaenidae) residente en el Caribe colombiano: merística y morfometría. Biota Colombiana, 12-2, pp.15-22.

Twitter: @serrat_alba, @GRMAR_UdG
Instagram: albaselli

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