Rovira, Graciel·la

Rovira, Graciel·la

PhD student (UB)

Graciel·la Rovira Mestres is a technician currently working at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Barcelona. She graduated in Biology and has a master in Oceanography and Marine Management, both at the University of Barcelona. She’s currently working in the long-term monitoring program of Catalan Natural Parks (Montgrí, Medes Islands and Baix Ter Natural Park and Cap de Creus Natural Park), in the north western Mediterranean coast. Her main duties are focused on scuba diving field work, data analyses with R program and writing scientific reports.

She has also participated in other projects, such as the monitoring of echinoderm populations in Port Cros National Park (France) and the restoration of red coral colonies illegally taken by fisherman in Cap de Creus National Park. She has collaborated with PhD students of the same group; among them were Dr. Pol Capdevila with the study of Carpodesmia zosteroides populations, Dr. Alba Medrano with the restoration of Treptacantha elegans forests and Dr. Marta Pagès-Escolà with the impacts of scuba diving in the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis.

Selected articles:

  • Medrano A, Hereu B, Cleminson M, Pagès M, Rovira G, Solà J, Linares C. (2020) From marine deserts to algal beds: Treptacantha elegans revegetation to reverse stable degraded ecosystems inside and outside a No-take marine reserve. Restoration Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/rec.13123
  • Pagès M, Hereu B, Rovira G, Medrano A, Aspillaga E, Capdevila P, Linares C. (2019) Unravelling the population dynamics of the Mediterranean bryozoan Pentapora fascialis to assess its role as an indicator of recreational diving for adaptive management of marine protected areas. Ecological Indicators. 109. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105781
  • Capdevila P, Hereu B, Salguero‐Gómez R, Rovira G, Medrano A, Cebrian E, Garrabou J, Kersting DK, Linares C. (2018) Warming impacts on early life stages increase the vulnerability and delay the population recovery of a long‐lived habitat-forming macroalga. Journal of Ecology. 00:1–12. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13090


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