Moreda, Uxue

Moreda, Uxue

Technician (CEAB-CSIC)

Uxue Moreda is currently working as a technician in the Marine Forest group at the Center of Advanced studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), granted by the JAE Intro fellowship funded by The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She graduated in Biology at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and in the Erasmus Mundus master's degree "Marine Environment 2030", during which she completed her master thesis at the CEAB-CSIC on the accumulation and storage of blue carbon in Mediterranean macroalgae forests.

Her area of interest is benthic ecology, specially focused on macrophytes, including ecosystem functioning and impacts of human activity and climate change. She is also interested on studying the potential of marine vegetated ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation aimed at promoting their conservation.


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