Millán, Lucía

Millán, Lucía

Technician (ICM-CSIC)

Lucía Millán Agudo is a graduate in Biology by the Complutense University of Madrid, with a MSc in Biology: Biodiversity, Conservation and Restoration by the University of Antwerp. She is currently working as a technician at the ICM-CSIC and is involved in doing Climate Risk Assessments in the framework of the FUTUREMARES project. She was also involved in the MPA-Engage project.

Prior to that, she worked as an environmental consultant at Atecma, where she gave technical and scientific assistance to the European Comission for the application of the Habitats (92/43) and Birds (79/409) Directives. She was also involved in projects such as the LIFE INTEMARES and other projects related to management of MPAs such as the “Management effectiveness of marine Natura 2000 sites and other EU marine protected areas”

She also worked as research assistant with institutions such as the Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum in London. During her studies both in Spain and Belgium, she gained fieldwork experience in different types of ecosystems like the Yangambi rainforest in DR Congo, or the Biebrza National Park in Poland among other locations. Furthermore, she has experience in data analysis and was trained in molecular and microbiology laboratory techniques.


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