Full Professor (UB)
Cristina Linares is a Full professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences and Researcher at the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat at the University of Barcelona (UB). In 2019 she was awarded with an ICREA Academia. After earned her PhD in 2006 at the UB, she did different research stages at renowned international centres at USA, France and Australia. In 2010, she returned to the UB first as Juan de la Cierva and then as Ramon y Cajal. To date, she has supervised 7 PhD students (plus 3 ongoing) and several postdoctoral researchers. Cristina teaches several courses at undergraduate and master level related to marine ecology and conservation.
Her research interests mainly focused on understanding the responses of marine benthic ecosystems to global change combining long-term series data, experimental studies using in situ and aquaria experiments as well as modeling tools. Most of the results intended to contribute to the conservation of marine ecosystems and this is reflected in several activities of knowledge transfer to national and international entities and public administrations.
Selected articles:
- Figuerola-Ferrando L, Amblas D, L. Matos F, Zentner Y, Garrabou J, Linares C (2024) Modelling the distribution of key Mediterranean gorgonians: an ensemble approach to unravel broad-scale patterns and guide conservation efforts. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.15041
- Zentner, Y., Rovira, G., Margarit, N., Ortega, J., Casals, D., Medrano, A., Pagès-Escolà, M., Aspillaga E., Capdevila P., Figuerola-Ferrando L., Riera JL., Hereu B., Garrabou J. Linares, C. (2023). Marine protected areas in a changing ocean: Adaptive management can mitigate the synergistic effects of local and climate change impacts. Biological Conservation, 282, 110048. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110048
- Viladrich N, Linares C, Padilla-Gamiño JL. (2022) Lethal and sublethal effects of thermal stress on octocorals early life-history stages. Global Change Biology, 28:7049–7062.
- Gómez-Gras D, Linares C, Dornelas M, Madin J.S, Brambilla V, Ledoux JB, López-Sendino P. Bensoussan N, Garrabou J. (2021) Climate change transforms the functional identity of Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages. Ecology Letters 24: 1038–1051.
- Kersting DK, Linares C (2019) Living evidence of a fossil survival strategy raises hope for warming-impacted corals. Science Advances. Vol. 5, no. 10, eaax2950.
- Arafeh-Dalmau N, Linares C, Hereu B, Caceres-Escobar H, Biggs D, Possingham H (2019) Protect Catalonian’s coral despite politics. Science Vol. 363, Issue 6423, pp. 135-136.
- Montero-Serra, I.; Garrabou, J.; Doak, D.F.; Figuerola, L.; Hereu, B.; Ledoux, J.B.; Linares, C. (2018) Accounting for life-history strategies and timescales in marine restoration. Conservation Letters 11(1), e12341.
Contact: cristinalinares@ub.edu
Web: www.cristinalinares.info
Twitter: @crislinaresibz