PhD student (UdG)
Xènia Frigola-Tepe is currently working as a research technician for the Department of Biology in the University of Girona. She is analysing the relationship between parasitism and condition in sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the frame of the project: Detection of parasites in the Catalan fishery of sardine. Impact on health and condition (ARP059/19/0001 1 and file CAT: 152CAT00012). This project is granted by the “European Fisheries and Maritime Fund (FEMP)” for the innovation in the fishing sector and the collaboration between scientist and fishermen.
She hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Girona and a Master’s degree in Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management (University of Barcelona). Her Bachelor’s Degree Final Project was focused in analysing the nematodes infecting Molva macrophthalma and her Final Master’s Degree Project in combining methods to assess oocyte development in the Blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou.
Selected articles:
- Serrat A, Lloret J, Frigola-Tepe X, Muñoz M (2019) Trade-offs between life-history traits in a coldwater fish in the Mediterranean Sea: the case of blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou. J Fish Biol. 2019 1–16. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13993
Contact: xenia.frigola@udg.edu
Twitter: @GRMAR_UdG