Researcher (IEO-CSIC)
Dr David Díaz Viñolas is a researcher at the Centre Oceanografic de les Balears (Spanish Insitute of Oceanography, IEO) with highly collaborations with Universities and another Spanish Research Institutions. David was involved in the benthic monitoring of Marines Reserves as Columbretes Islands, Medes Islands, Balearic Marines Reserves where he worked during the last 20 years and he developed most of his research topics as: ecology of the European spiny lobster, evaluation of impacts over benthic communities, demography and modelization of habitat forming species.
In the last few years, he has specialized in new techniques, underwater video surveys, ROV, submarine, connectivity and acoustic telemetry to assess the mobility of large decapods and fishes, evaluate the health status of benthic communities for understand the role of habitats and species. His large capability to leading research projects has involved him during the last years to coordinate and leading European and National Grants. Centered in harmonize the activities of artisanal fishery and the conservation of the benthic communities, understanding the impacts over benthic communities and the evaluation of the Good Enviromental Status (GES).
Selected articles:
- Díaz D., Mallol S.,Parma A., Goñi R. (2016) A 25-year marine reserve as proxy for the unfished condition of an exploited species . Biological Conservation. Biological Conservation 203: 97–107.
- Barberá C., Mallol S., Vergés A., , Cabanellas-Reboredo M., Díaz D. Goñi R. (2017) Maerl beds inside and outside a 25-year-old. Vol. 572: 77–90. DOI: 10.3354/meps12110
- Díaz D., HereuB., Aspillaga E., Muñoz A., Bartumeus F., Mallol S., Baena I., Goñi R. Movimiento y uso del hábitat en la cigarra de mar (Scyllarides latus): implicaciones para la conservación de la especie en el parque nacional marítimo terrestre del archipiélago de cabrera (scytrack). Capítulo de Libro. Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales 2015-2019. Ed. Amengual J. OAPN.
Contact: david.diaz@ieo.es
Twiter: @davitindiaz