Technician (CEAB-CSIC)
Anaïs is graduated in Environmental Biology (UAB) and an Erasmus+ masters in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSEA) hosted in different European universities. Her interests are on benthic ecology, specifically on global change impacts conditioning the function and resilience of marine forests such as seagrass meadows and macroalgal communities by modifying key processes like plant-herbivore interactions.
In the past, she worked at CEAB-CSIC for her bachelor's thesis with Teresa Alcoverro’s team (UMBRAL project), at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (ECOHARVEST project) and developed her master’s thesis at the Laboratoire Océanologique de Villefranche from Sorbonne Université (Shift2Solve project) under Jordi Boada’s supervision.
Currently, she is working at CEAB-CSIC as a technician within the MITinPOINT project which aims to increase the basic knowledge of marine vegetation both as tipping point of the Earth system and as a mitigation agent of global environmental change conditions. By combining multiple approaches such as a set of mesocosms and field manipulative experiments with modeling, the project will study the capacity of marine plants and macroalgae to acclimate to future ocean conditions and predict the resilience of these critical habitats in he predicted scenarios, from the physiology to the landscape level. Anaïs also has a deep interest on citizen science and so she joined the Hidden Deserts project team when the opportunity came.